The dashboard of jiSchoolERP allows you to add and manage the fields, including the staff members, students, classes, and sections from here. Along with this, it views the monthly transactions, graphical representation form displaying the details of recent activities carried out by the admin recently. We offer you a user-friendly and easy-to-manage panel at all times.

The dashboard module helps the school administration to add and manage the necessary fields, including the staff members, students, classes, and sections. 

Features of Dashboard Module:

  • Get a glimpse of daily activities carried out on the school campus.
  • Get a quick overview of monthly transactions in a graphical form and other updates.
  • Check which sub-admins have performed all operations and recent activities today.
  • An overview of the total number of schools, students, staff members, and classes are there presently.

Our user-friendly dashboard makes the job of a school administrator easy by allowing them to get a quick overview of the recent activities being held by the other sub-admins and get other student's related information.