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Add and View School

School option allows you to add school details such as - school name , contact details , affiliation status, number, date, period, medium, Principal's name, Vide code number, and established date . You can add affiliation details like affiliated from , affiliation date , etc . These details will be mentioned in every receipt , the report cards and mark sheets , all enquiry , registration and admission forms created for particular school  .You can  add your school branch by clicking on Add option .   Also, you get an option to upload  your campus image or  logo  for every branch of school .


If you are admin :-  you can view all the school branches with total number of students and the number of students who are presenlty active in that particular branch . ALso if you want to view a brief information about any of the school branch it can be easily viewed by clicking on View option , however you can update the same by clicking on update option . 

If you are Principal :- you can only view your school branch details like total number of students and the number of students currently studing . ALso if you want to view a brief information about your particular school branch it can be easily viewed by clicking on View option , however you can update the same by clicking on update option

For more details proceed with watch video option . 

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